Published on 19 April 2021

Another great achievement for Texelis !

Texelis is proud to have been awarded a contract by Jnet-OM, for the overhaul and the upgrade of the driven axles of the entire fleet of Citadis Tramways composed of 46 trainsets currently in operation in Jerusalem..

This project proceeded during a general lockdown period, forcing the main actors to adopt a flexible path during the discussions. We highly appreciate it and we want to thank all the stakeholders for their commitment.

Texelis is expanding rapidly around the world due to its international trusted partner’s network (more than 30 partners on the five continents) and its ability to offer quick, cost effective and tailor-made solutions for customers worldwide.

Our ambition is to be the most reliable and effective partner for our customers, which means that we are continuously improving our solutions to offer trustworthy services based on proven expertise.

Another great achievement for Texelis ! 1

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